SHS Sales By-Products

Perfect solutions for your industry

On the road to finished steelproducts valuable quality tested and standard compliant by-products are generated, which represent ideal solutions for numerous industries, such as raw materials for the use in the cement, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, respectively as raw materials or finished products for the building materials industry, the processing industry  up to the application in the agricultural sector.

The department SHS Sales By-Products offers you - together with the companies MSG Mineralstoffgesellschaft Saar, ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar and Zentralkokerei Saar - as by-products essentially ferrous slags, i.e. blast furnace slags and steelmaking slags as well as by products from the coking plant (coal derivatives).

For more detailed information concering our by-products, please follow this link:


Daniel Leidinger

+49 6831 472425 Send email