Press Release
Certified family friendly: Saarstahl and Dillinger awarded the Family-Friendly Company seal of quality
03 February 2022
Dillinger and Saarstahl were honored with Saarland’s Family-Friendly Company seal of quality from Ute Knerr, project manager of the Working and Living in Saarland service center (, presented the certificate to Joerg Disteldorf, Chief Human Resources Officer and Labor Director at Dillinger and Saarstahl. State Secretary for Economic Affairs Jürgen Barke also accepted the invitation and congratulated the steel partners on receiving the award. Saarstahl was certified for the first time and Dillinger was recertified.
“We are delighted to accept the Family-Friendly Company seal of quality for Saarstahl and Dillinger,” Joerg Disteldorf said. “This award confirms our successful efforts to pursue a family-conscious human resources policy. At the same time, we also see the seal as an incentive to enhance our profile even further in this area and to position ourselves sustainably as a family-friendly employer.”
Securing flexible and qualified childcare is one of the most important needs for working mothers and fathers. Dillinger and Saarstahl offer suitable childcare for the next generation of steelmakers with their daycare centers – “Kleine Hüttenbären” in Dillingen and “Stahlsternchen” in Völklingen – making it easier for young parents to combine family and career. Payment of a subsidy for children’s sick pay, for example, is another of the voluntary social benefits the companies offer.
“In the workshops, which involved employees, HR departments and works councils at all sites, we gained a highly nuanced picture of which measures would further promote family friendliness from the point of view of the workforce and the company,” Joerg Disteldorf explained. The declared aim of Saarstahl and Dillinger is now to take further beneficial steps and, for example, to train members of staff at all sites to become parent guides or care guides who support their colleagues with expert advice in challenging family situations.
A family-focused work environment is an important criterion for growing numbers of employees when choosing an employer, according to Ute Knerr. “The family topic will continue to gain in importance; applicants and employees are looking closely and expect appropriate offers that support them in being able to realize their potential both at work and in their families. The seal of quality is not merely a nice thing to have but rather helps attract qualified employees and keep them with the company.” And State Secretary Jürgen Barke underscored: “The importance of being able to balance family and career is hard to overestimate. Attractive jobs and a secure livelihood also keep skilled workers here in Saarland long term. The award for Saarstahl and Dillinger proves that both companies are aware of their responsibility to their employees and to the entire region.”
The Family-Friendly Company seal of quality is awarded to companies that view focusing on family as an important part of their corporate culture and are committed to several areas of action in this regard – from offering employees the option of working more flexible hours and adapting their schedules to family commitments, or through offering support with childcare. The companies receive the seal for two years and then undergo a review of their set goals by (recertification).

Martin Reinicke
About the Working and Living in Saarland service center
The Working and Living in Saarland service center is a project to improve the compatibility of work and family life and is funded by the Saarland state government, the European Social Fund, the Saarland Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Saarland Chamber of Craft Trades.
About Dillinger and Saarstahl
Dillinger is a world leader in the manufacture of steel heavy plate for the steel construction, machine manufacturing, offshore, offshore wind power and line pipe sectors. Saarstahl is a world leader in the manufacture of wire rod and bar steel for the automotive industry, the construction industry and for general machine manufacturing. Dillinger and Saarstahl belong to SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar. Around 13,600 employees work under the umbrella of the SHS Group. More information can be found at or